Biwaichi Rental Cycle

Biwaichi Rental Cycle

A cycle station facility located in a corner of Otsu Port. We offer bicycle rentals for a variety of bicycle types, from sports bikes to electric bicycles, so that all visitors to Lake Biwa can enjoy cycling around the lake, including the Biwaichi route.


Image of the store interior
Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Image of the store interior Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Scenery while cycling
Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Scenery while cycling Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Scenery while cycling
Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Scenery while cycling Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Image of the outside of the store
Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.

Image of the outside of the store Copyright c 2022 Otsu city. All Rights Reserved.


Minimum Number of Passengers
1 participant
Maximum Capacity
100 participants
Participation Restrictions
You must be able to ride a bicycle on your own
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Biwaichi Bike
O-PORT-able, 1-7-5 Hamaotsu, Otsu-shi, Shiga
Open Period
Closed on certain days(Closed during winter)
Meeting Times and Business Hours
For more information, please visit the official website.
Tour Schedule
Visit Biwaichi Bike > Rent a bike (around 15 minutes) > Cycling (time you applied for) > Arrive at Biwaichi Bike > Return the bike (around 15 minutes)
Required Time
5 hours—
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
Universal accessibility
Support is partially available (*We have tandem cycles. Participants with visual impairments and those with mobility issues can enjoy this cycling experience when paired with someone who can ride a bicycle. )
Please use a parking lot in the vicinity.
Rental plans are available for a minimum of 5 hours. Return the bicycle at any time within the rental period. We also offer Overnight Plans, which allow you to use the bike for multiple days, and Leave Behind Plans, which allow you to return the bike to one of our partner facilities.
Offcial Websites

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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