Guided Tea Tour of Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm

Guided Tea Tour of Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm

This 4-hour Tea Tour that can be offered in English is a fun and informative way to discover Japanese tea in Wazuka, a tea-producing region between Kyoto and Nara that represents Kyoto-Ujicha tea. /You will have an opportunity to take pictures in a green tea field that only tea farmers go to, visit a tea factory to see how Japanese teas are made, sample more than 9 varieties of Japanese teas and learn how to brew and prepare Sencha and Matcha using traditional tea-making equipment. For over a decade, over 10,000 international guests have participated in this popular Japanese cultural and nature experience.


Top Image of the Guided Tea Tour of Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm
Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm(c)

Top Image of the Guided Tea Tour of Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm Kyoto Obubu Tea Farm(c)


Minimum Number of Passengers
1 participant
Maximum Capacity
18 participants
Participation Restrictions
Guests who enjoy tea
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Meet and Disband on-site
2 Ootsuka, Sono, Wazuka, Soraku, Kyoto
Open Period
Tour Schedule
Meet on-site > Hear an explanation of the experiences and Japanese teas (around 30 minutes) > Be shown around a green tea field (around 60 minutes) > Visit a tea factory > (around 30 minutes) > Eat a meal (around 40 minutes) > Taste Japanese teas and go to a seminar on brewing Sencha and Matcha (around 70 minutes) > Shop (around 10 minutes)
Required Time
4 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Can accommodate vegetarians, people on gluten-free diets and vegans
Universal accessibility
Not possible (there are stairs and there is walking involved at the green tea fields)
Up to 3 buses, Available for up to 10 vehicles)
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Please check the official website for the latest information.


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