Jinoshima Island survival Plan

Jinoshima Island survival Plan

The Survival Plan survival camp is restricted to one group per day to enable groups to have a full, exclusive camp experience. We board a chartered boat at a separate beach to that used by the regular boats. It’s a secret place, where nothing is man-made. You and your companions will have the entire beach to yourselves. Pick a spot and try building your self-sufficient survival camp.



Minimum Number of Passengers
4 people
Maximum Capacity
6 people
Participation Restrictions
Children must be in the fourth year of elementary school or higher
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Minamimura Ferry Pier
Hama 1769-1, Hatsushima, Arida, Wakayama Prefecture
Open Period
March to November
Closed Period
Closed on certain days
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
Open to meal requests
Universal accessibility
Not available
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Please check the official website for the latest information.


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