Walking in the footsteps of Lord Oda Nobunaga (armor dressing experience)

Walking in the footsteps of Lord Oda Nobunaga (armor dressing experience)

Take a photo wearing Lord Oda Nobunaga’s original armor in front of Azuchi Castle!


Nanban katchu

Nanban katchu


Minimum Number of Passengers
1 person
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Azuchi Castle Museum
700 Konaka, Azuchi-cho, Omihachiman, Shiga Prefecture
Open Period
Closed on certain days
Closed Period
Closed: Mondays (or next business day if a public holiday), New Year's holiday (December 28 - January 4)
Required Time
30 minutes
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Tourist parking for 20 vehicles
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Please check the official website for the latest information.

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